
吉隆坡29日訊-張棟樑11月29日生日,在“休息”一段時間後, 終於“露臉”跟他的歌迷朋友們說聲謝謝大家的祝福。生日當天凌晨一過,棟樑就趕緊在其官方網站Po上網誌,並附上照片讓疼愛他的歌迷都知道他很好,也收到 大家給予的生日祝福,他會好好照顧自己的健康,並希望盡快跟大家見面。 1g9i;u!`"p)a-E$P

"b4e$m0r,G.n#SHalo,大家好啊!休息的這段時間過得太“低調”了,哈哈!但是覺得今天無論如何還是應該上來寫一些字! "T9r)M!n2B.X3X9P*I/b

+q&^,t6n8f.E,R11月29號,我的生日。這樣又一年了。好快!哈哈!尤其今年好像發生特別多事情,讓我更加珍惜自己所擁有的一切。所以,2009年,我相信自己是被祝福的,我也絕對感恩! 張棟樑香港歌迷會7F*\2K2]5Q*@'?
!q9a4^;^0R)Z祝所有11月生日的朋友,生日快樂。 Happy Birthday To Us. 要快樂喔!
/^6W$Q,_.u#s*s3h,Xwww.onlynicholas.com.hk棟樑 29/11/2009
'E/o7N,j-h張棟樑香港歌迷會www.onlynicholas.com.hk%?1e&[-f(P:g%n O


張棟樑Nicholas Teo棟樑中國新浪Blog: 我的生日餐...
$U5q&^"F6O,W)M;^6b'j:G.K6^'P2p E6u,{ k7r

.X v:N,a3V9C5L*b7x-G&k張棟樑香港歌迷會/d8V#]'m!E

3b0N"k/a"M+r7U.^;G-|)J張棟樑香港歌迷會棟樑   (轉自棟樑新浪博客_)





Freedom Writers

Freedom Writers
 Freedom Writers is inspired by a true story and the diaries of real Long Beach teenagers after the LA riots, during the worst outbreak of interracial gang warfare. Two-time Academy Award© winner Hilary Swank stars as Erin Gruwell, whose passion to become a teacher is soon challenged by a group of Black, Latino, and Asian gangbangers who hate her even more than each other. When Erin begins to listen to them in a way no adult has ever done, she begins to understand that for these kids, getting through the day alive is enough -- they are not delinquents but teenagers fighting "a war of the streets" that began long before they were born. Erin gives them something they never had from a teacher before -- respect. For the first time, these teens experience a hope that maybe, they might show the world that their lives matter and they have something to say.

Cast: Hilary Swank, Imelda Staunton, Patrick Dempsey, Scott Glenn

From: empire movies

I just want to share it to everyone! We watched Freedom Writers today in our Persef 2 class and it was really a great movie...



Thx for all your birthday wishes! I have got it~ Cheers!!!



哈咯!新浪网的网友大家好啊!很开心终于可以在中国内地开我的独家博客,这个平台能让我们有更多的交流! 选在这样一个特别的日子就更有意思了!哈哈!我之后会常在这跟大家分享一些特别、有趣的事情。 www.onlynicholas.com.hk$H+D*a A2b
希望大家有空要多常来我家“坐坐”! 哈哈!就当是大家送我的生日礼物啦! 祝所有11月份生日的朋友:生日快乐!Happy Birthday~ 0t;r7c6K S7|9W
栋梁 2009/11/29.y9q$]4s"f%u2j

3?,c"A(l X8W*~+v
*x3m(S ~-a4C4L5a


9w-R A%~"Y;m)](j8[
.i;P&]9y+x(j:R(Z1L Q5b0l7k0c5m/I



Halo,大家好啊!真的有很長很長一段時間沒寫網誌了。休息的這段時間過得太 “低調”了,哈哈!但是覺得今天無論如何還是應該上來寫一些字!
3B-M"P;S0R'T8o張棟樑香港歌迷會/j6s+z g9I8y;Q4d1h1p)T;X/@
"]'O+\3?'D-K%e;G g祝所有11月生日的朋友,生日快樂。Happy Birthday To Us。要快樂喔!Wink
0W8~0r'z;F'D;_ W8I;J
%?7@6]!M6V.Z,f2H29/11/2009/G6u-k1j"O P4c#_#i;J:@
#w7N4^(x:S-b o&|
Halo~ Everybody! Quite some times didn’t write my diary here! I am so “low profile” during this period. But today, feel badly to write something…
29 Nov, my birthday. Another year was gone. Haha ! Felt so many things had happened this year, but I am blessed, so I am appreciated.
Indeed, I have to say “THANKS” to all of your birthday wishes and I read it. Really appreciated that I wasn’t been forgotten. Haha! Didn’t plan for anything for my birthday this year, but lastly I can take a rest and feel it in very quiet way. Haha!
5X(^0`*N(C-K3u"\Happy Birthday to all my fans who birthed in November too! Happy Birthday To Us! Be happy ya! Wink
1k5q0f1X$}*S:X#INicwww.onlynicholas.com.hk0j(N8r%k$D w
29 Nov.


(吉隆坡訊)日前阿牛現身湖南衛視節目《一呼百應》,主持人詢問他的現狀時,一直吱吱唔唔地說他正在完成自己的一個夢想。或許是因為一直蒙著眼睛的說話原 因,讓阿牛放下了所有的忌憚,最終坦言:一直想拍一部關于馬來西亞華人的電影,所以這次就特別邀請了馬來西亞的歌手梁靜茹、品冠、曹格等人前來捧場,一同 拍攝阿牛的首部執導的電影《初戀紅豆冰》。
1{(\%Y0e6@www.onlynicholas.com.hk8] M9j5h(a9h8o-G4E
記者就“抵押屋子”圓夢一事聯絡上阿牛,對此他表示:“當初我嘗試過貸款,也找來很多財經顧問來幫我,現在情況總算還ok,抵押了的屋子可以慢慢還,其實 我自己很不喜歡‘抵押屋子’的感覺,我現在想起來真的有點后悔爆了這件事情出來,因為得向家人解釋啊!”他表示《初戀紅豆冰》總共斥資400萬令吉,至于 自己共投資了多少,他只表示“很多”!,z)E#r b!N5z#K

-H7w:C!F3V6q/B原本要趁新年上映的《初戀紅豆冰》,已經確實不 會在新年期間上映,阿牛表示:“據我所知,新年期間的賀歲片太多了,很多都是好萊塢和香港的片子,所以我覺得很難在這一堆片子裏脫穎而出,所以《初戀紅豆 冰》會延遲到明年3月的時候上映。”他也說目前電影正在后製階段,一切工作進行順利。6o,{-p9L!w
張棟樑香港歌迷會(Q&y)n)|&o%@3K+W y

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&p2w q6m(|/W.S,l7z"}0v2P)f張棟樑在片中“零對白”,最“粗重”的功夫就是牽曾若冰過馬路!

.t8h#H%p$R&D#R戴佩妮演路人乙5l:U$X J-m

6w7V7F+G'` q#g
({5_ B)B5J張棟樑香港歌迷會品冠演“白馬王子”張棟樑香港歌迷會.u)i(}0W6v
"d)A7] e&~"n5t
曹格在片中穿拖鞋、短褲及公然的咬著煙,還會強吻李心潔!*o4_"c r#a

.\.K3};`#M9[*Y梁靜茹演“Milo冰”#x N9x(`,h(R'j
%`/E$y9m)R7^+Q E




9p0n8a0d5n$E'c#w節目名稱:音色迷漫-張棟樑生日特輯          i+@7?'e$_+f A&a'p3e
節目時間:2009年11月29日下午 4:00-5:00         
主持若塵: QQ 68596274   Q群 60585727          5V4N:w+}0a(K)v
收聽地址:www.hy960.com  全球網路直播,上網就能聽         
小紙條互動:首頁一扔即可~   )k/t"T8i5j8Y

8k9l(^'X m(x0R2K:F3X3A
.M9q)d9S&\"w,|8J各地各團或個人對棟樑生日祝福的音頻話語 MP3格式,30秒內   www.onlynicholas.com.hk3H(r#N8c7l P/R8i:|7z
!h5F"k7u L4D:X
發送至  djruochen@foxmail.com   歡迎多多發來哦~+Z4?4r.]%i*o8P&D
轉自: 百度吧飄若塵3` Z&?/A(W&_'K7?)A



0B+R"_;R4R7j張棟樑香港歌迷會http://blog.sina.com.cn/nicholaswarner! 6R E!m3J3P'P
29/11~ 大家記得去沖沖人氣哦

[09/11/25](官網公告轉載) 棟樑中國新浪博客

預告預告!棟樑即將於2009/11/29,既是棟樑的生日當天啓動在中國內地的唯一獨家博客BLOG,希望借此能跟更多的中國內地的朋友交流!到時請大家有空也到以下的博客網址去逛逛咯!~ 4i)Q2{3P7@+Q)b&n
+k+N0~:[,G$i)S張棟樑香港歌迷會張棟樑香港歌迷會)A!t+K"g;y&n7j${ f
謝謝大家一直以來的支持! *E&J#R7F)]

1r,G u5R8B"O.@4l3v$b*i6k9Q6V
華納經紀部 .o#[;j:w)?/t6y!d*A
2009/11/25 .e O!i!i2M [

+H2["c"i/C!|-|4B張棟樑香港歌迷會Pre-Announcement! We're going to launch Nicholas free BLOG at http://blog.sina.com.cn/nicholaswarner started on 29 Nov 09 - Nicholas' Birth Day. Let's go visit and give supports to him ya!
We'll try our best to maintain all benefits for www.onlynicholas.com VIP members and fans here. Official website still being the priority and Only website for all official announcements and Nic's dairies. Face book fans page and Blog are only the other way for all fans get together! No worries at all. Thanks for supporting always.
9l N!G:J:M-@www.onlynicholas.com.hkWarner Music Management. x&r*\7u8`0i.R9c%o
張棟樑香港歌迷會 d${!R"o#S0T*O*X
轉載:官網www.onlynicholas.com.hk,z N8s1J-A'M+S2w$b,\*v


大家好!欢迎来到张栋梁在中国的独家新浪博客,这个博客将于2009/11/29,张栋梁生日当天才正式启动和发帖子哦!希望到时大家都能来参观和交流 哦!当然也要记得“呼朋唤友”来玩玩!~
這裡也要告訴大家有關棟樑目前官方網站是www.onlynicholas.com 以及面子書Facebook http://www.facebook.com/onlynicholas


[09/11/23](MSN.SG)Was it easy to work with Nicholas Teo?

Original Topic :Belinda is on the rise!
:T;v$J |8?7R uThe TV host talks to us about her latest acting affair and future planswww.onlynicholas.com.hk9G-N%o3b4A1u
You may have seen the beautiful BELINDA CHEE cracking jokes on TV or turning an event from a bore to a blast as an emcee, but it’s her recent acting gig that’s got us paying more attention.,X6D.|7h#]*r7C'E6?

6U*~!u U9j6N8B)sThe small-town girl from Kuching, who’s definitely got big things in store for her, took some time off her busy schedule to talk to us about her new show, Love In Seoul. Belinda stars opposite singer/actor NICHOLAS TEO in the TV series, which is about a photojournalist who travels to Seoul only to fall for a girl as his departure date approaches.7W+E1o:|!F4K'a0`+g

/?&].C'^5\&VBelinda settles comfortably into her seat before she spills on the experience of shooting in Seoul (“To be honest, I didn’t quite enjoy the food because it was very spicy and I’m a lousy Malaysian, I can’t take spicy food”), acting as a career, what she likes to do in her free time and more.
+~7f'x7T"F/{)I)lTell us more about Love In Seoul.www.onlynicholas.com.hk6\8j1o1W$p!?1v;E-s
This is actually my second mandarin TV series but it’s going to come out on 8TV first. I play the character Yuna who is half-Korean and half-Chinese. Not only did I have to memorise my Mandarin lines but I had to memorise some Korean lines as well. There is a slight love story involved but, I feel the main character is still Seoul, the city. It’s like a music idol series and travel show and love story all in one [laughs].

:L5N'D5Z1K5H/aWas it difficult to learn Korean?
It wasn’t that difficult because I didn’t have that many lines in Korean but of course it’s totally different, it sounded a bit Indian to me at first. I think the big challenges were, firstly, Mandarin. I can speak Mandarin but I can’t read. I had to ask my teacher to Romanise the Mandarin script and then I would memorise it. I’m also quite new to acting. This is my third TV series and I play the main character so it was quite hard for me to emote as well as memorise. It’s quite a challenge but it was very fun and I hope I have a chance to do it again.,j5{6v"f,r$M2|&z8l

-h7U0@%a)l"D#B v9v T
2W4e0~'e.v0q1Z+G9`3p,j0`張棟樑香港歌迷會Will there be a sequel?
4r6C-A+@9K&R8W9v;@-d張棟樑香港歌迷會 F&r3r-q j:A&b
You never know. This was sponsored by Tourism Seoul and the first season was actually a travel show. They had a host who would introduce different places but they wanted to do it differently this season so they put in an Idol series element. Maybe next season they might want to continue with it? ]"^3I/{#X7\6}!m*G0k

!?9w0l7@.K:L!F#H;\What was it like filming in Seoul?
I’d been to Seoul once before with my family so it was my second time there. I wasn’t expecting that much because I’d been there already and I’ve seen all the tourist spots. But this time around, we actually went to a lot of the more localised places like coffee shops and tea houses and I really enjoyed it. I think Koreans know how to enjoy life even though Seoul is a big city, like KL; they know how to separate work and play. That is now my impression of Seoul.www.onlynicholas.com.hk d*a n&D!S7|)m

%[5B7l5n!Uwww.onlynicholas.com.hkDid anything weird happen there while you were filming?
&\1P:Q1?%b2@3H0A"nEverything went very smoothly, there was nothing strange or weird. I’ve shot one or two TV series here in Malaysia and most of the time, we’ll choose a location and shoot every scene in that location to finish it in a day. But in Korea, I don’t know why, we went back to the same location two or three times just to finish the scene. I guess it’s their shooting culture.
)s&]&O'}'m3`7r1S9lwww.onlynicholas.com.hk張棟樑香港歌迷會$^)T+y(}6@8d L
Was it easy to work with Nicholas Teo?)_)g5]"~4m(z-p
At first I was a little bit intimidated because I didn’t know him. I had heard of him and I knew he was a singer and has experience in acting. I wasn’t sure if he was going to be angry if I did a wrong take. But after a while, we got to know each other and we are both from Kuching so we have that in common. He is actually a really silly, funny and relaxed kind of person. It made it easier to be around him.

Do you see yourself going far in acting?;y/T2`5h/m0C+n.V,B
To be honest, I haven’t actually tried out for acting stuff because a lot of people know me as a TV host but I would like to try it out. I think a lot of Chinese girls would agree with me that it’s quite hard to get a role in a Malay TV series or a movie as a Chinese girl. There is quite a lot of competition in that area so I’ll try to break into the Mandarin market. I have never heard of anyone who started out in the urban market and broke into the Chinese market. I’d like to try although I still feel my Mandarin is at primary school level.張棟樑香港歌迷會8H*j6a*M-F/F
With all the success and travelling, do you find it difficult to stay humble?6D2?"t2Q,w8[4h
4M Q;X2Y8A$i
Honestly, I’m still the same me from my university days. I think my family doesn’t treat me any differently and [my husband] has known me since I was in college. I guess I was never up in the air in that sense, I mean, I’m not famous, I’m just working and I just happen to be on TV. I’m not a celebrity and I don’t like that title. Of course there are perks but I never felt like I was up there. I still feel like I’m a regular person and deep down inside, I’m still a small-town girl [laughs].
0T/l!g:? F+V']
What do you like to do when you are not working?www.onlynicholas.com.hk#b-f'A.n)e#v!U:t9B

$l7s*_!M3aI’m such an auntie because, if I’m not at work, I’m at home either watching TV or surfing the internet. I like to go watch movies. I’ve stopped going to clubs, I go to bed by midnight if I can and I wake up early. I don’t do much, I just relax and stay at home. I’m such a homebody.&C;G9R1G'`5W)N*{

1g5r0n'm$o"N'}3dYou have a blog. Do you think it’s important to keep in touch with your fans?
2b9Y2h2T.@)^(mSometimes I just update my blog for fun [laughs]. I don’t know how many fans I have out there but when I started the blog it was for my friends overseas to share in what’s happening in my life. When I started out in the industry, it became more like a self-advertisement if you will – like, watch this and this is coming out – and until now it’s still part of selling the brand Belinda Chee [laughs]. It might sound a bit bad but in this industry we are selling ourselves to get jobs. I think it’s important to just update and let people know what I’m doing. At least when I don’t get covers or write-ups in magazines, people can still know what I’m up to.8e:f'b;V3m7e1Q!V._$Y([5p$w
From : MSN Singpore (Entertainment)


(星洲日報)張棟樑 明年拍偶像劇 歌迷喊話不要再演!?

(吉隆坡21日訊) 张栋梁仍在“养肝"期间,海外偶像剧剧本却接二连三送上门,只是栋梁和经纪人还没好好研究剧本,神通广大的歌迷却已留言希望栋梁不要再演戏,担心他把身体给累坏了!栋梁日前表示希望明年继续接演偶像剧,虽然之前推了好几部,最近突然有多部台湾、中国、大马和新加坡的戏剧制作公司传来剧本,只是令栋梁好笑的是,看到歌迷留言说不希望他再演戏!”哈哈!他们多说拍戏让我身体都累坏了,希望我暂时不要接戏,要多休息!我还以为他们不想看我的戏剧了!拍戏的确是很累啦,但是唱片宣传也不是简单的事,反正演艺工作就是都不容易。我会照顾自己,希望大家不要担心哦!“



张栋梁表请酷 粉丝出高价抢宣传品



(官網公告)Yahoo網友票選年度風雲藝人2009/Yahoo Asia Buzz Awar

Yahoo! Asia Buzz Award 2009/網友票選年度風雲藝人,有以下兩個網站:台灣 & 香港區,請大家多多投棟樑一票哦!~&e/f/p,W.I;L([%^![

1g1q U8b&@6]#_5Ahttp://hk.promotions.yahoo.com/buzz2009/tw/#/support/ 9m;r0}8Z+r C)F

}1H+H&J-d5t m9r-J!i#R4E*M)K%E
亞洲區藝人-張棟樑(每60分鐘就可以投一票,必須先登入yahoo mail)
9x H*`#U3V.y)E8s&R(V

Manila Zoo

I have never been to Manila Zoo for a long time already ...
As I have remembered before, Manila Zoo is really different now.
I think that there are lesser animals now compare to before ... 

The only elephant found in Manila Zoo called Mali..

This is my first time to hold on to a snake...
It really feels different...
You must try it! haha...

(光明日报) 张栋梁休息像退休‧聽Demo解悶

(台北.吉隆坡)2大韓國偶像團體神話及Super Junior在公開表演上分別演唱張棟樑的《說你也一樣愛著我》及《北極星的眼淚》,正在休養中的張棟樑知道之後十分開心。

此外,另一支韓國團體Super Junior到中國湖南衛視上節目,也選唱張棟樑的《北極星的眼淚》。張棟樑開心有其他歌手演唱他的歌曲,他更透過《光明娛樂》向關心他的歌迷報告近況,直呼目前的生活,是他出道多年來從未如此正常過。





棟樑休養沒忘撈錢 月底“酷”賣錶

而韓國偶像團體“神話”成員Andy李先鎬,前晚在台灣開唱,還演唱了張棟樑的歌曲《說你也一樣愛著我》,至於另一韓國團體Super Junior日前到中國湖南衛視上節目也選唱了棟樑的《北極星的眼淚》,讓棟樑深感榮幸又開心。

棟樑上個月因過度疲勞,肝部受細菌感染入院,其後聽從醫生建議,全面推掉12月前的通告精心休養,並因此損失高達50萬令吉。慶幸棟樑休養期間,多個產品 代言包括無敵電腦辭典、Philip Morgan眼鏡廠商依然對他不離不棄,已經陸續跟他續約,而《正綠茶》的續約也在密集洽談中。另外,棟樑之前拍好的新一季(春季)ALBA手錶廣告也將 會與11月底陸續上版面,棟樑依然會以較“酷“的型男形象出示新的手錶款式。(圖為之前夏季的廣告)

11月29日視棟樑的生日,各地歌迷之前還積極跟公司要求舉行生日會,但是跟隨棟樑多年的忠實歌迷都知道棟樑不喜歡辦慶生,除了幾年前一次配合宣傳期,而 因為食物中毒上吐下瀉,出席歌迷慶生聚會還被歌迷感動到哭了那次…!所以今年歌迷都非常體諒,希望讓棟樑好好休息,盡快看到健康的棟樑“復工”!而大家更 是“各出奇招”的自個兒慶祝起來呢!大家也在棟樑的官網www.onlynicholas.com和facebook開始留言祝福,讓棟樑感覺十分窩心,並承諾很快會以健康的體魄跟大家見面!

FROM :張棟樑Nicholas Teo Facebook


As I mentioned earlier in this blog, my uncle came back home ... And today is his birthday...
Happy Birthday!!!
We celebrated his birthday at President Restaurant... We somewhat had reunion because all of my family are there ... Even his friends... hahaha



From: Nicholas Teo HK Fans Club


嚴選年度專輯已經開始投票咯~張棟樑香港歌迷會(}&n-I!t'o&h ?

%r*Q4L'{+V R5y6}1ywww.onlynicholas.com.hk請大家踴躍參與。。。張棟樑香港歌迷會/?:U0R-S&]&W/}
7L)A2R C"X4b*U
2\2Z'~1]1Q!W               2.寫下你的評語再按最下面的【完成發送】即可
6^ C'A3q$_"u               3.每個帳號一天可投5票!!!:j&H(O,@(M-H$G

5V&p;f-T6\ L0M8`8[
9{#A(|(Q$c7c;^&?0K:^9W1s U c!H



I am pretty excited to see my uncle again ... I have never seen him for at least 2 years.
Today, we went to Marikina Loyola (where my grand parents are.. )
Then, we went to my cousins  house... we ate dinner there ... hehe
It is a nice bonding time for me...

Field Trip to Subic

It is my first time here in Subic...
Even though I am not with my family but instead with my bock mates, it is still FUN!


The most unforgettable night with friends... hahaha ...

Green Talk

Almost of my block-mates attended the talk of Dr. Licuanan, who is our Ecology Professor. It was all about Climate Change. Climate Change: Does the Change Matter?
The talk was interesting because it talks more of the Coral Reefs here in the Philippines...
Actually, almost all the things that he talked about during the talk was already discussed during his lecture ... haha

One audience asked about the artificial reefs and the most unforgettable line that he has said was " Coral reefs are just like teethes. Why don't we just take care of our natural teeth instead of having an artificial teeth? "

We should take action now!!! Don't wait it to happen...


Nicholas Teo in Bukit Bintang, Kuala Lumpur
;u,~(L1p'^ H-?www.onlynicholas.com.hk
3Y0H*}-b1S#fDuring one of my shopping trip in Bukit Bintang, I saw Nicholas Teo (張棟樑) while he was shooting the new movie, Ice Kacang Puppy Love. I am happy seeing him at such a near distance.
4N$y#M"G!W Q;Z;?*v&p7m:^(S
This movie cast many Malaysia’s best known Taiwan based artistes and I am looking forward to the release of the movie.4_%h!L"t%O/r6k+f

6S z-X2_8Y8|7I張棟樑香港歌迷會;}$I+G3]7M&~
FROM : CK XXXX BLOGwww.onlynicholas.com.hk8h#X0D$i&j3T






Immortal Txt

I used to subscribe to Immortal Txt once and I found it really nice...
For just 10 pesos, you could enjoy 50 texts to Globe/TM and 10 texts to other networks with no expiry ..
It was first said that it will be until Oct 30, 2009 only; however, I tried to register right now and it worked!!! hahaha
It is also stated that it will stay until Nov 30, 2009.
I hope that it will be forever.. haha ... because it is really worth it ... especially when you are texting so much (like me.. haha)

Immortal Txt

[09/11/09](TheStars)Melting hearts like ice-cream

LOVE was in the air at the Ice-cream 4 U Charity Concert at the KL Badminton Stadium in Cheras last Friday.-P5k1B4Y$B"P'p&{-m"B

7U/e3a3w/`2n0ZNot the sort between lovers though, but the love for humanity and those who are less fortunate.
$e$X+J%i;WIt was, after all, a charity concert to raise funds for the Pusat Penjagaan Kanak-kanak Cacat Taman Megah (PPKKCTM).
A group performance by the Entertainment Journalists Association and the children from PPKKCTM singing the concert’s theme song Xu Yao Ai (In Need of Love) kick-started the concert, setting a heart-warming tone for the evening.;}"K:b5C,c-B
www.onlynicholas.com.hk ^8w/]/~'N5{:z
One of the highlights was the performance by the three co-organisers Yi Jet Qi, Lee Sinje and Fish Leong, and their buddy local singer-director A-Niu.6\!M4a6v)B/W

6N9b0r8z,zThey got to know each other better after taking part in the latter’s film.張棟樑香港歌迷會!H7X!{4\2B!j8H'M*t
It seemed like a mini-gathering for them as they chatted onstage, regaling interesting stories and taking swipes at A-Niu.張棟樑香港歌迷會$b4v6F*]9X'F5a2A%y4z

)_3K$F9\"p9Dwww.onlynicholas.com.hkThe foursome sang each other’s songs while A-Niu sang local singer Nicholas Teo’s song Who Would You Think Of When You Are Lonely because Teo could not make it to the concert as he was recuperating from illness.
With the cheeky A-Niu around, there’s sure to be barrels of laughs.;Z#U#J.D.|7h9s2\
He even poked fun at the recent fight between local singer Gary Chaw and Hong Kong singer Justin, which made headlines in Hong Kong’s entertainment tabloids.
:J'B!I*F:]"OYi, who came up with the idea of the charity concert, sung two songs solo — In Time and Good To Have You.
6G5s"h4];S j:m0O!q3m;_6[&@;H1U&U4b
When he got down the stage to distribute ice-cream to some of the audience, there was a flurry as photographers rushed to snap photos.
7r%e#{1t5b)}0T&u$fLee, clad in a red hot sexy mini- dress, also had the photographers busily snapping photos of her as she morphed into a rocker chick and danced and head-banged to the music like there was no tomorrow.,H8n#q6h$A5k9} U+O#q

&Y/h \(U%Z9~+N張棟樑香港歌迷會Most of the songs followed the theme of love such as the cover of Michael Jackson’s Heal The World by local singers Kit Teo, Manhand, Dave and Kah Jun.
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Other highlights were the performances by guest artistes Taiwanese singer Valen Hsu and Hong Kong singer Sandy Lam.
0a$Z,H+t }!T"w$w!o$[,|2s張棟樑香港歌迷會Lam and the co-organisers held hands and hugged each other as they sang one of Lam’s signature tunes Zhi Shao Hai You Ni (At Least There’s You).,~&z4@1x-`4K'?!~8?#U
Hsu mesmerised the audience with her performance, proving that she’s still a force to be reckoned with despite her two-year hiatus from the entertainment scene."I+f0r)l$G!m9R1I&f*`-F
-J#T p,_/[ N,n
She sang two songs, one of which is from her latest album.張棟樑香港歌迷會 a:n9[(z:D7D3h
There was also a lovely performance by Lee, Hsu and three children from the home who are adopted by Lee. They sang Baby, a song by Taiwanese singer-songwriter Deserts Chang.
,U1e,b.i)s"@*s4d%j7fwww.onlynicholas.com.hkWhile the children were painfully shy, they gave a laudable performance, earning applause from the audience.
More than 25 songs were sung at the three-hour concert.
X4w*Q(o#E3N張棟樑香港歌迷會A total of RM180,000 was collected via ticket sales but the organisers are still counting the proceeds derived from T-shirt (designed by Leong) sales and donations collected at the concert..v4Q;V,H;?2Q;w6T/R
FROM : The Stars

[09/07/24](CWS)Leukemia Boy Gets to Meet Nicholas Teo

THE smile says it all. Yap Soon Heng 10 is all smiles posing for a photograph with Malaysian pop idol Nicholas Teo at Mahkota Parade in Melaka.
Soon Heng was brought to Mahkota Parade by the complex management to attend a performance by Teo and his chance to meet the star himself.
*[$E#d5f-P2[7E5U,^6Z5h(@*t u2{5t7b+v k
Soon Heng suffers from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) and Acute Myeloid Leukemia.$J,O(E2L'n$S

+y4i4D!i*l)W9i#O)b*`,j張棟樑香港歌迷會More than 2 weeks ago, he was presented a PSP by the Children’s Wish Society of Malaysia at his home in Merlimau.0J2x;\:U!e#C

/r/y%t2P!L+f7k4U張棟樑香港歌迷會From : Childen's wish society of Malaysia
(a9{+i1F9a6p5zwww.onlynicholas.com.hkInfo search : leukemia.hostei.com (blood cancer) Web site
P.S :Yap Soon Heng 10, gets his chance to stardom with Malaysian pop idol Nicholas Teo in Mahkota Parade last Friday (July 17)8r(H%X.?/g+c:j0U!F-h

Unexpected Traffic

I heard that there will be a proclamation in KKK (near SM Manila and Manila City Hall) by Noynoy Aquino and Company who will be running for the next election ...

It is a bit inappropriate that they will a choose a date that is Monday ... They may choose dates which are week ends ...

I am stuck in the jeep for an hour... I am still at Pedro Gil that time and I chose to ride the LRT so that it will be easier... It was really many people falling in line ...

I am supposed to go down at Carriedo but I went down in Doroteo Jose ... it is because Doroteo Jose is stuck in my mind because of Chinese cemetery that we should be going before ... Then I took a jeep from D. Jose to Bambang ... and a funny thing is that I do not know which side to go so I asked a guard ... hahahaha

Hopefully I am home at around 6 30 p.m.

Uno Rocks @ 50

WooooHHH!!! 50 years na UNO!!! Congrats ...
Since Morning I am already at Uno to watch the program ...
Unfortunately, we miss the dragon dance that is supposedly the highlight ... haha
After how many months, Gloria, Evelyn, Jenny, and I meet again ...
After the program, we went to the fair and buy some drinks ...
We waited for the concert which will start at 5:30...
The time that we waited is longer than we watched the concert ... haha
The First Band that performed was Deus Ex Machina which consists of all Uno alumni...
Our Batchmate Jayson is also part of the band --- he is the drummer!!!
The nest 3 bands are Sponge Cola, Hale, and Calla Lily..
Unfortunately, we did not watch all the bands .. We just saw Sponge Cola perform ...
Because it is already late...


來自: fionamy01 / munyeng

[09/11/06](8tv)Love In Seoul (Ep#6 last episode)

Love In Seoul 爱在首尔 (08/11/09 at 9.30pm) Ep#6 (last episode)


演員:張棟樑& Belinda徐慧華






[09/11/04] 棟樑Facebook 留言

張棟樑Nicholas Teo

哈咯!歡迎大家到《討論區》去貼留言:喜歡棟樑的哪首歌?(請大家在特定的主題下面發表意見,不然很難整理資料哦!)Welcome to "Discussions" column to express your opinions (~2 minutes ago)
From: Nicholas Teo FB

2009 hitfm嚴選專輯投票即將開始

請聽聽棟樑的推薦聲 /A(M-C4p7}(X:s
http://www.hitoradio.com/activities/20091102best/sub.php 'w1~2p"R#|9x%k:y
5\+W c0I6e3a0Y"dwww.onlynicholas.com.hk9T6z.U&q;c9W+b0{0h

From: youtube (cheenic)

張棟樑Nicholas Teo: (星洲日報) 馬來西亞《買冰淇淋給你慈善演唱》



李心潔未知是否壓抑太久,在個人演唱環節時如“狂野Rock女”上身,沒料到“鬼后”在舞台上的號召力亦感染台下每一個人,紛紛站起身隨音樂節奏跟著心潔搖擺,而她身穿鮮紅色Tube dress泡泡短洋裙,也因為頻頻動作太大有下滑危機,心潔趁機在胸部下方做了一個拉扯“托高”的動作。她幾度在台上搖頭甩腦,表現狂high,若是讓盛傳她有孕的香港媒體看到這一幕,可會重重地摑了他們一巴掌?

週五晚上在蕉賴羽球館舉行的《買冰淇淋給你慈善演唱》,雖然並未爆滿,但觀眾表現卻非常熱情,不管哪個歌手出場,都大力鼓掌與歡呼,長達3小時的演出,讓完Show後已接近午夜12時。這場演唱會由小黃花基金會(李心潔)、義氣音樂(易桀齊)及如魚得水音樂工作室(梁靜茹)主催,美嘉園殘缺中心為主辦及受惠單位,Sports Toto為主要贊助商,Marctensia及Sevent Media為協辦單位。





From: Nicholas Teo FB

張棟樑Nicholas Teo: (Malaysia) Nicholas Teo rejected 2 months’ work for rest

(Kuala Lumpur) Malaysian-Chinese actor-singer Nicholas Teo completed his second round of album promotions few weeks ago. He was supposed to be given two-weeks of leave from his company and originally wanted to take the opportunity to visit his relatives and rest in his hometown during the break.

2 weeks ago, Nicholas started to feel unwell and weak and thought that they were just symptoms of the common cold. He underwent blood tests on Thursday last week and his liver was discovered to be infected with a virus. According to the medical reports, the viral infection in Nicholas’s liver has reached a high and dangerous level causing him to feel weak..

Nicholas Teo who has been hospitalised for 2 weeks has his condition under control now; in order to concentrate on getting well, Nicholas Teo has decided to fully stop working for 2 months after discussing with his recording company.

Nicholas Teo who’s stopping work for 2 months, has rejected many local, Taiwan and China performances; his income from all this including TV appearances was approximately RM500k.

Nicholas Teo’s manager Shu Ting revealed, “The doctor said that although Nicholas Teo’s condition is stable and has been approved for discharge, he still hopes that he (Nicholas) would rest quietly for some time, prevent him from exhaustion and going around for performances, because this would cause him psychological stress indirectly, and affect his speed of recovery.” The recording company extremely understands and agrees with the decision to temporarily reject or rearrange all appearances, performances, and events which had been accepted for November and December, in order for Nicholas Teo to focus on recovering without any worries.

According to reports, Nicholas Teo had been in talks for 2 more commercial product endorsements. Although Nicholas Teo regrets that he’s unable to attend all the events that he had earlier promised, including the “Ice-Cream4U” Charity Concert on October 30, an autograph session in Kota Kinabalu, Sabah on October 31, in Macau on November 7, other local and overseas events and some TV recordings in China, he has to make his health a priority, resting first in order to continue going on in the future.

Besides this, another affected event is a visit to Vietnam with WorldVision in December. Nicholas Teo had been looking forward and hoping to make a personal visit there, and meet with the little children whom he’s been sponsoring (adopting). Due to the change in plans, Nicholas Teo hopes that he can accomplish this wish in the future.

Shu Ting expressed that actually Nicholas Teo had been scheduled to start filming for a new idol drama on November but luckily had rejected before his emergency hospitalization. “Negotiations for this drama has been going on for half a year, the casting team had insisted on Nicholas being the male lead, but he got admitted to many others schedules and events, so I have already rejected it few weeks ago.” She continued, “We need to make Nicholas Teo’s health the top priority now, performances and event opportunities will come again in future. Fortunately, photoshoots and event appearances which had been earlier agreed on with the companies he’s endorsing has been completed, so they won’t be affected; we’re also thankful for the concerned phone calls from the media and companies, Nicholas expressed his gratefulness and he’ll continue to put in more effort.”

Nicholas Teo had discharged last week and back to hometown for resting; Nicholas who’s recovering doesn’t forget to crack a joke, saying “I believe my mum will kidnap me back home to rest even though if I don't, haha…”

Unable to attend “Ice-Cream4U” Charity Concert, Nicholas Teo said apologetically, “Hope that the brothers and sisters (close friends) who are performing will work hard! As for the fans, I hope that I will be able to meet with them in various locations quickly.

Let us work hard together; thank you everyone for all of your concern and encouraging words.”

From: Nicholas Teo FB



[09/11/01](八度空間)愛在首爾 音樂特輯 ~ 5



[09/10/31](Life TV)《買冰淇淋給你慈善演唱》

原文標題: 《買冰淇淋給你慈善演唱》‧心潔狂舞破孕味,W;x:R-}0~

-\.@2O/D,E,A"v9t u%p)q,K(吉隆坡)許久未站上舞台 唱歌的李心潔,週五(10月30日)晚上身心大解放!李心潔演唱代表作《自由》時,猶如上了電般拼命甩頭、拉高裙腳、舉高雙手以致性感洋裝險些滑落,心潔 完全high翻、風騷帶動全場,在音樂結束前更使勁用力地重重跳了一下,種種的“高危”動作讓心潔再一次用行動打破懷孕之說!
李心潔未知是否壓抑太久,在個人演唱環節時如“狂野Rock女”上身,沒料到“鬼后”在舞台上的號召力亦感染台下每一個人,紛紛站起身隨音樂節奏跟著心潔 搖擺,而她身穿鮮紅色Tube dress泡泡短洋裙,也因為頻頻動作太大有下滑危機,心潔趁機在胸部下方做了一個拉扯“托高”的動作。她幾度在台上搖頭甩腦,表現狂high,若是讓盛 傳她有孕的香港媒體看到這一幕,可會重重地摑了他們一巴掌?
1z2J'I3t$f'R;V9L8L&\週五晚上在蕉賴羽球館舉行 的《買冰淇淋給你慈善演唱》,雖然並未爆滿,但觀眾表現卻非常熱情,不管哪個歌手出場,都大力鼓掌與歡呼,長達3小時的演出,讓完Show後已接近午夜 12時。這場演唱會由小黃花基金會(李心潔)、義氣音樂(易桀齊)及如魚得水音樂工作室(梁靜茹)主催,美嘉園殘缺中心為主辦及受惠單位,Sports Toto為主要贊助商,Marctensia及Sevent Media為協辦單位。
1t7{(L2N3a"\!Q(`www.onlynicholas.com.hk即 將嫁作人妻的梁靜茹,週五晚上演唱會上表現不及其他歌手活潑和動感,身形圓潤似復胖的她,連換2件寬松上衣遮肚,與李心潔、易桀齊及阿牛 Crossover互相飆歌時,她明顯不及其他3人玩瘋,讓人懷疑靜茹是否已有“好消息”?不過演唱會結束大合唱時,靜茹又突然表現熱情,攬抱主持人KK 在台上蹦蹦跳跳,與之前的表現拘謹完全不一樣。
林憶蓮今次“臨陣”加入演唱會,她稱是受李心潔、梁靜茹及易桀齊的愛心出發點所感動,她跟3人在台上合唱《至少還有你》各自展現實力,林憶蓮與梁靜茹尢其 合拍,因2人曾經跟同一個男人有過“關係”,李宗盛是Sandy前夫;同時也是梁靜茹當年踏入樂壇的伯樂,週五晚上大合唱時,Sandy一直主動伸手向靜 茹搭肩。
%k8?2V"p T2a#J,n.M資料來源: LIFE TV

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