[09/06/23]王子日記 09/6/23(轉載官網)

王子日記 09/6/23


9w7t9t;J&Z&X8f*Z S:Dwww.onlynicholas.com.hk明 天就是海外宣傳的第一站:馬來西亞。我回家啦!哇哈哈!這次只短短逗留幾天,主要做媒體的部份,公開活動只有一天的《旋風馬拉松簽名會》,會跑四個地方, 好期待跟大家見面,真的好久不見了。哈哈!雖然這次只有一天的簽名會,可是大家再耐心點,七月份就會有馬來西亞的第二波宣傳,那一次就會待比較長時間,更 多公開的活動可以唱歌給大家聽,會盡量去到很多的地方,所以你們要等我喔。哈哈!

/[.g r+t:T:?:H(Translate in English)
Haha! Seem like 5 weeks are passing so fast! Taiwan promotion is going to be finished later soon. I did done so much things here and ready to start promotion in others countries. You guys in Taiwan can take a rest at the moment ya…haha!

Started tomorrow, I will be home…back to Malaysia! Wahaha! Although only staying for few days and having only one day Autograph Sessions but I am so excited and look forward to meet you guys! This time only album signing but I promised next time (July) would be another round of singing sessions! Be patient ya!
+U-S;n:N;z.g!Q4ZOk, I am ready for packing now, See you all soon! ^-^


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