[09/07/24](CWS)Leukemia Boy Gets to Meet Nicholas Teo

THE smile says it all. Yap Soon Heng 10 is all smiles posing for a photograph with Malaysian pop idol Nicholas Teo at Mahkota Parade in Melaka.
Soon Heng was brought to Mahkota Parade by the complex management to attend a performance by Teo and his chance to meet the star himself.
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Soon Heng suffers from ADHD (Attention Deficit Hyperactive Disorder) and Acute Myeloid Leukemia.$J,O(E2L'n$S

+y4i4D!i*l)W9i#O)b*`,j張棟樑香港歌迷會More than 2 weeks ago, he was presented a PSP by the Children’s Wish Society of Malaysia at his home in Merlimau.0J2x;\:U!e#C

/r/y%t2P!L+f7k4U張棟樑香港歌迷會From : Childen's wish society of Malaysia
(a9{+i1F9a6p5zwww.onlynicholas.com.hkInfo search : leukemia.hostei.com (blood cancer) Web site
P.S :Yap Soon Heng 10, gets his chance to stardom with Malaysian pop idol Nicholas Teo in Mahkota Parade last Friday (July 17)8r(H%X.?/g+c:j0U!F-h


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