[09/08/17] 王子日記 09/08/17

7`2c+T F*[5T2M:G#e雖然累,但是每一天的工作,每一次跟大 家見面,我都很開心。因為這是我對大家承諾的開始。真的不好意思讓你們久等了!特別開心這次有機會見到很多第一次見到我的朋友,你們都很可愛,很熱情。當 然還有那些花了很多錢,每一場跟著我們跑的朋友。當然是非常開心大家這麼積極的參與,但是還是那句:量力而為。哈哈!
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+X$a!g4a#F4K$W*c,I8DP/S:寫這篇網誌的時候,15/8 My FM台慶也已經過去。我玩得很開心!雖然NFC的大家坐得有點散,但是我都有看到大家,也感受到你們的熱情。希望你們那天晚上也是開心的。哈哈!22號活動再見啦!^-^
"b4B _8x'j7J2009/8/17
(translate to English)
Finally, my new album promo tour 1 in China finished lately. Beijing, Chang-sha, Guang-zhou, Hang-zhou and Nan-ning…haha! I felt it quite long period although only 10 days been there. But don’t be misunderstanding, I am not complaining but It’s really tough to move every 2 days, OR maybe I was older now. Haha!
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*f*w5r4F%X2u)xAlthough it’s tired, but for sure I was very happy to meet you all especially the one we met first time. So sorry to keep you all waiting for so long… You all are really cute, passionate and supportive!:

0O.B2~)o)N%A P9j2S張棟樑香港歌迷會Overall, just want to say THANKS to all of you (China fans), hope to see you all later in the following trips… haha!
#J;K7i7Y-J%o-p4UP/S: 15/8 My FM 11th Anniversary was overed while I am writing this diary, I was happy to attend the show and I saw all of you there, every of you! Hope you all enjoy the show too! See you all soon on 22/8! Yeah!


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